Fy unig gysur dan y ne'

1,2,5,6,7;  1,3,4,5,6,8.
("Yn yr Arglwydd y mae i mi gyfiawnder a nerth.")
Fy unig gysur dan y ne',
Fod Iesu'n sefyll yn fy lle,
  Yn dwyn fy meichiau bob yr un,
  A'u rhoi ar ei ysgwyddau'i hun.

Anfeidrol gadarn yw dy fraich;
Dim pwys i ti, er maint fy maich:
  Gynt ar y groes
      dioddefaist lid,
  A phwysau holl
      bechodau'r byd.

Yn fynych, mynych, Iesu cu,
Datguddia'th fod yn eiddo'i mi;
  Mewn 'stormydd mawr yn wastad gād
  Im' ddygu llefain, "Abba. Dad,"

O edrych rhwng y ser i lawr,
I eithaf dyfnder moroedd mawr;
  Yno cei wel'd fy ysbbryd gwan
  Yn gruddfan yn y dyfnaf fan.

Nid wyf ond gwan, O! na'd fi lawr,
Dan bob rhyw drallod,
    fach a mawr;
  Mi bwysaf arnat tra ynwyf chwyth;
  Yr wyt yn ddigon, digon byth.

Nerthaist dy blant -
    O! faint dy ras!
Er gwaned oent,
    i gario'r maes;
  Pa faint yn llai a fydd dy rym
  Trwy estyn braich o gymmhorth im?

Fy ngharu wnest, er maint fy mai,
A'm galw o blith annuwiol rai;
  'B'le dof fi bellach am iachād
  A nerth i goncro ond at fy Nhad?

Myrddiynau maith orchfygaist ti
O elynion hyll ar Galfari
  'Rwy'n pwyso ar dy allu mawr,
  'Roi f'holl elynion inau lawr.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Boston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
British (<1878)
Sarum (<1869)

  O Iesu'r Brenin mwya'i fraint
  Yn fynych fynych Iesu cu

("In the Lord is righteousness and strength for me.")
My only comfort under heaven,
Is that Jesus is standing in my place,
  Bearing my burdens every one,
  And putting them on his own shoulders.

Immeasurably strong is thy arm;
No weight to thee, despite my burden:
  Once on the cross
      thou didst suffer wrath,
  And the weights of all
      the sins of the world.

Often, often, dear Jesus,
Reveal that thou dost belong to me;
  In great storms constantly let
  Me learn to cry, "Abba, Father."

O look down between the stars,
To the utmost depths of great seas;
  There thou mayst see my weak soul
  Groaning in the deepest place.

I am but weak, O do not let me down!
Under every kind of trouble,
    small and great;
  I will lean on thee while I have breath;
  Thou art sufficient, sufficient forever.

Thou didst strengthen thy children -
    O how great is thy grace!
Despite how weak they were,
    to carry the field;
  How much less shall be thy force
  Through stretching thy arm of help to me?

Love me thou didst, despite my fault,
To call me from amongst ungodly ones;
  Where shall I come henceforth for healing
  And strength to conquer but to my Father?

Vast myriads thou didst overcome
Of ugly enemies on Calvary
  I am leaning on thy great power,
  To put all my own enemies down also.
tr. 2017,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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